Minish Smile Dental Care: Dental Spa
Are you looking for a regular dental care program from English speaking dental clinic? Dental Spa might be the right answer for you. Dental Spa consists of regular check-up, cleaning, plus some educational program that you can get a regular care in a professional way, with a very affordable price.
Dental Spa in English Speaking Dental Hospital Minish
I remember listening to the radio a few years ago and number one phobia was visiting the dentist for teens. Dentophobia in simple terms is a fear of visiting the dentist. We all had the fear of visiting the dentist when we were young and some of us still do not even go in for a check-up. This is where a dental spa can come to ease some of those tensions to make the dental clinic a more patient-friendly place.

A dental spa is a dental facility where dental services are provided in addition to spa treatments. It can also mean that their aim is to provide all inclusive treatments to prevent all kinds issues related to dental. So it’s more than just a dental clinic. The reason why they offer this kind of service is to make patients feel cozy and comfortable. We see this trend as the new revolutionized trend in the dental industry. Typically, dental spa refers to dental practices where various services are offered that are unrelated to oral health. Some of these services that are commonly offered are facials, massage therapy, botox, aromatherapy, neck pillows, fleece blankets, complimentary beverages and snacks, music headphones and etc…

Benefits of Dental spa
Actually, feeling relaxed is the last thing that comes to your mind when you think of going to the dentist. However, a dental spa brings relaxation benefits and feels like you are going in for a treat rather than a treatment. Making patient feels relaxed from the spa-like amenities leads the dental staff to treat the patient easier and contribute to patient safety. Many dental experts say that relaxed patients run less risk of injury and are easier to work with than nervous, tense patients. For patients who have drug-sensitive and/or pain phobic or trauma, the dental spa helps the patient feels at ease gently without drugs.
What is Minish Dental Spa?
Minish Spa is a full-care program designed by Minish Dental Hospital. Minish Dental Hospital is the biggest English speaking dental clinic in Seoul, with a professional international team dealing with all foreign patients. The Hospital is located in Gangnam, Seoul. It is an oral hygiene treatment that helps manage dental problems and treat oral diseases. We offer proactive, preventative programs to improve overall oral health. Additionally professional advice on how to manage your oral health on your own.
Here are the lists of programs/treatments we offer to suit the needs of every patient
● Comprehensive Oral Screen Program
● Minish + Care Program
● Implant + Care Program
● Orthodontic Care Program
● Dental Enhancement Program
● Gum Enhancement Program
● Bad Breath Management Program
● Tooth Pain Program
● Lifetime Oral Health Care Program
● Health Teeth Hundred Years Program
● Mom & Dad Program
For more detailed information, feel free to contact us at any time through here or email us to
In conclusion, we offer comprehensive programs to meet patients’ needs while putting overall oral health care as our top priority. You can get lots of useful information with our Youtube channels . We never hesitate to bring in the best technology for the patients. Our priority is maximizing effectiveness of the treatment in a least invasive way for the patients.